Timezone Settings - What You Need to Know
- Your timezone setting ensures tasks and checklists appear at the correct local time, whether you're managing one location or multiple sites across different time zones. This means when you schedule a task/checklist/project for 9 AM, it will show up at 9 AM in each location's local time.
- To update your timezone, follow our video guides below.
- Xenia maintains 3 timezones for flexibility:
- Workspace Timezone
- User Account Timezone
- Location Timezone
User Account Timezone
- Xenia automatically detects the User's timezone based on the device location and will prompt you to update your timezone if it changes (due to relocation, traveling, etc.)
- You can also manually change your User Account's timezone by following along with this video guide here:
Workspace Timezone
- If your Account/Role has access to the "Configure Workspace Settings" Permission you will be able to modify your Workspace's timezone
- Follow this video guide below to update your Workspace's timezone
Location/Site Timezone
- Check out this article here on how to update an individual Location's timezone: Edit a Location's Details (Site Level, Address/Timezone)
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