Asset Servicing & Reminders

  • Updated

How to Create & Manage Service Dates for your Assets + Reminders

Finding your Assets

  1. Navigate to the Assets Tab
  2. Find the Next Service Date Column (Asset Table needs to be set to List View)
    • Here is where all of your upcoming asset service dates will be displayed 
  3. Click on + Create Service button next to the Asset you wish to set a Service Date & Reminder for


Create an Asset Service / Configure Reminders

  1. Add an optional Description (Example: Range hood maintenance is coming up!)
  2.  Set the Service Date (pick any date & time in the future)
  3. Set a Reminder interval (how far in advance do you want to be notified)
    • Include an optional message as well (Example: Range hood maintenance is coming up!)
  4. Select who and how you want to be notified (Email, SMS, and/or In-App Push Notification)
    • You can select 1 User, multiple Users, Team(s), or all members of a Location(s) to receive this notification
  5. Click on the Create button
  6. That's it! Your Asset Service Reminder is now created!


View An Asset's Service Logs

  1. Click on any Asset in your Asset List / Grid View (or click on the Open button next to the Asset)
  2. If you have an Upcoming Service Reminder, this will be displayed on the Details tab (you can click on View Details top open the Service Details)
  3. You can view all of this individual Asset's Service Reminders by navigating to the Service Log tab
  4. From here you can click on any upcoming Asset Services to view that Service's Details
    • This will display the Service Details + Reminder Settings
    • You can Mark the Service as Complete from here as well
  5. Back on the Service Log tab, you can filter on "All", "Upcoming", "Overdue", and "Completed" to quickly navigate between different Service Dates/Reminders. 

Marking an Asset Service As Complete

  1. From the Service Detail (accessible via Service Log tab), you can mark any Asset Service as Complete by clicking on the Mark Complete button
  2. When you mark the service as complete you will be prompted to add a Note (required) or Cost value (optional) before submitting the completion
  3. After completion, you can choose to leave this pop-up or create another service right from the pop-up


Note: You can always Edit or Delete a Service Reminder from the Service Logs tab or by clicking within the Next Service Date column for any Asset that has an active / upcoming service!

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