Bulk Task Creation for Multiple Locations or Assets

  • Updated

Login to Xenia:

  • Log in using your credentials.

Navigate to Tasks or Work Orders:

  • From the dashboard, go to the Tasks or Work Orders section.

Add Multiple Tasks:

  • Select the option to Add Task and choose the Add Multiple Tasks feature.

Input Task Details:

  • Enter the task name, description, priority, and other relevant fields.

Create Multiple Locations:

  • In the Location column, select or enter multiple locations where the task should be applied.
  • You can assign each task to a different location, or have the same task duplicated across several locations.

Assign Assignees (Optional):

  • If needed, assign different users or teams to handle tasks at each location.

Set Due Dates:

  • Add due dates for the tasks, either uniformly or differently across locations.

Review and Save:

  • Double-check the tasks and locations to ensure everything is correct, then save to finalize the task creation.

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